Wednesday, August 17, 2011

DIY: from bags to shelves

Hello lovelies! This week I was inspired by Andrea from AndreasChoice after viewing her latest DIY for decorative shelves. This is something I will definitely try once I move in to the new house. But for now I'll do something different for my room at my parents house. Crazy thing, my first two years in higschool I was an avid Hollister and Abercrombie shopper and I used to keep all my bags for some odd reason. In result I still have tonssss of bags in my closet so I had this idea to make good use out of them. Instead of buying baskets I cut the bags and used those! Here's how I did it...

What you need:
  1. Bags (Doesnt matter which ones you want to use but make sure they're pretty sturdy like these are)
  2. Scissors 
  3. Tape
  4. Thumb Tacks or Double Sided Tape (Whatever you want to use to put them up)
Step one: Cut off a chunk from the top of the bag. You can cut off as much as you want. The more you cut the smaller the shelf will be. I recommend making them relevantly small bc they look kind of awkward on the wall when they're bigger. 
Step two: Cut a slit on each corner of the bag. Make sure they're all about the same size!! It will look somewhat like a box with the flaps out. 
Step three: Then fold those flaps down (inward) and tape them. Put the tape on the inside so it's not visible. Now it looks like a small cubby. 

Now it's your choice what you want to do with them and what to put inside. I have a couple of different options. You can put the vertically, horizontally, ext.. TIP: If you're putting heavier stuff in them and you feel the need to add more support, use two bags together! If you have two bags of the same size just layer them together. 
I didn't keep them like this I just want to demonstrate both ways.
You can always just use them this way. You can make it a pencil/pen holder or even for socks, undies whatevs.
This is how I have mine for my turbans and hair accessories. 
OR! You can always use your shoe boxes! You can decorate them or wrap them with fabric or paper. I use my shoe boxes as containers for my hairspray, hair brushes, and other random stuff. Let me know how yours turn out!
<3 Beezy. 


  1. very creative! good luck with your new blog :)

  2. Such a good idea! Would you please follow me :) -


  3. This is such a great idea that I am definitely stealing when I get my apartment!!! And your comment seriously made my day =D you are just as sweet and talented and I wish you all of the success ;)

  4. your blog is really amazing!

  5. That is so cool! I would have never thought of that.


  6. O wow.such a cool post xx the idea is great xxx

  7. Really interesting DIY, I will defiantly tray this one of these days, I love trying new stuff and it’s even more fun when you succeed! Your blog is lovely and I'm a new follower! Hope you'll like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic


I would love to hear from you! Thanks for the love. XOXO <3