Saturday, August 13, 2011

DIY makeup container

If you're anything like me, you find yourself looking for stuff in your room all the time because you seem to always misplace everything! I always end up having to buy new brushes and what not and then I kick myself when I find it. To prevent that I decided to ATTEMPT to be more organized. I'm moving into a new house for the school year and I'm going with a safari theme for my room!
What you need: 

  • Any empty container (If youre using one made of glass take note that hot glue wont stick!
  • Fabric/material (I'm using a cheetah print to go with my theme. You can find cheap fabric               anywhere like WalMart, Hobby Lobby, Michaels ext...)
Step One
Put glue on the edges of the container. I just did two sides of my container
Step Two
Cut the extra fabric 

Done! Here's the final product below. I'm putting some of my makeup and brushes in it, but you can also use to keep jewelry and accessories :] 

<3 Beezy. 


  1. This is sooo cute! What a great idea!! Thanks for sharing.

    I just became your newest follower! I would love for you to check out the blog that I just started with my sister and follow us back!


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  2. I will do that for you! Thanks so much for the follow!

  3. look great :D

    If u want follow me and writte comment ;*

  4. this is such a good idea! I might have to steal this!

    Want to follow each other? I'll go ahead and follow you ;)

  5. you make me feel silly ive been searching for makeup containers when i can just make my own i go to art school for petes sake!! lol

  6. absolutely love this post! Thanks for making me realize i need to be more organized...i've been meaning to do this!

    just came across your blog, youre adorable!



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